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Íàöèîíàëüíàÿ Ãèëüäèÿ Ñïåöèàëèñòîâ ÑÏÀ-Èíäóñòðèè Russian SPA Industry Summit
Guild spa
Spa events
Spa Awards
Rus Ðóññêèé  Eng English
Best Spa centre|Best spa marketing company|Our winners|Photo

The International Academy of Spa esthetics

Since 2006 the International Academy of spa Esthetics has opened the doors in Moscow ïîäðîáíåå...
Spa management - first and one for Russian manager
Spa management - first and one for Russian manager
Spa cuisine - The first systematised scientific book in the world.
Spa cuisine - The first systematised scientific book in the world.

Our winners

    The nomination of the Best massagist it is changed to spa therapist,
    the cosmetologist- on spa cosmetolodist.

    Best spa cosmetologist -Anna Uydina ( Kostroma)

    Spa therapist
    I place - no winners
    II- Nikolai Chebotarev/Glebova Tatiana (Moscow), Yuriy Gerasimov (Izhevsk)

    The nominations "Spa object" was not spent.

    Best specialist:

    Best massagist
    Stanislav Pesterev
    Best cosmetologist
    Susanna Safarova

    Best object:

    Best day spa:
    Zolotoy Mandarin - Moscow
    Flamingo - Saratov
    Leto - Vladimir
    Tihkvin - Ekaterinburg

    Best banya spa center-
    Goryachie kluchi -Suzdal

    Best medical spa center -
    Gorodsloy kurort - Moscow

    Best salon with elements
    Day spa «Beauty& Spa»

    Because Spa Summit in 2006 passed in Gelendzhik, competition for specialist was not spent.

    Best spa object:
    Best Day spa - «Factory of dream» (Moscow)
    Best club Spa - Beauty institut of «Beauty Spa» (N.Novgorod)
    Best medical spa -spa clinic «Revital» of sanatorium «Svetlana» (Moscow)
    Best spa in hotel -"Nadezhda and mprskoy rai" (Gelendzhik)
    Best sanatorium spa-ñånter without application of natural sources -
    spa center "Vodoley" sanatoruim Bekasovo (Moscow region)

    Best international spa center – Wai Thai â Terme Welness Palace (Slovenia)

    Best salon with elements of spa - Spa Mosaic (Moscow)


    Best specialist:

    Best massagist - Inga Voropaeva
    Best cosmetologist- Liliana Petrushenko
    Best manicurist - Elena Sokolova
    Best pedikurist - Yana Magilko

    Best spa object:
    Best day spa - Welness club VillaSpa, Kaliningrad
    Best day spa in city - "Clarins" (Astoria, St-Petersburg)
    Best city spa small hotel -"Sofie&Serge", (N.Novgorod)
    Best banya spa center - Golden Spa in men club "Rasputin", Moscow
    Best club spa center - "Olympic Star" (club Cascade)
    Best medical spa center - clinic "Medem", (St-Petersburg)

    Best sanatorium spa-ñånter without application of natural sources -
    Private sanatorium "Chalet Margeaux", (Moscow region)

    Best salon with elements of spa - "Spa Loren" (N.Novgorod)

    Best nail spa center - Beauty express (Moscow)

    Best spa object:

    Best Club Spa — Orient Express (Moscow)
    Best Day Spa — «First Spa» (Moscow)
    Best Destination Spa — Beauty studio & Spa Guerlain (Moscow region)
    Best Beauty Spa — «Dvoryanskaya usadba»(Moscow)
    Best region spa salon -« Prostranstvo krasoty» (Novosibirsk),
    Closed spa center — Welness club-«Olympic Star» (msocow region)
    Innovation technology in spa -Company «7 colours»

Spa News in Russia

14.03   Education in 2023
06.04   Education & meeting 2021
30.01   Education & meeting 2020
17.02   Education & meeting in 2019
24.01   Education & meeting 2018
24.09   Education & meeting 2017
18.09   The lecture in RUDN University
23.03   Edition of the Spa Sessions manual, Singapore,March2017
22.12   Education 2016
01.04   Education in 2015
11.12   Education in 2014
16.12   New salons in Russia
01.07   Spa tour in Bulgaria
05.03   Spa for clients - a plot on television channel "Moscow suburbs". In a plot there was Ms.M.Kuchurkina interview (Guild of Spa), an interview to the client of sanatorium "Revital", display of professional technics of massage (A.Mazaev, Academy of Spa). Leaving demonstration "Spa home school ". Plot in Russian. ïîäðîáíåå...
02.03   "A place of Russia in world spa business" interview the director of Spa Guild Ms. M.Kuchurkina
10.01   Opening, changes and closing of Spa centres
08.05   The 6th of May is the first day of sale the analytical book “The Work’s standards of beauty staff
18.03   New issue -Spa report 1'09 - in internet form
18.02   Spa Publishing house -new book in 2009!
19.12   New Spa report 4'08
04.12   “SPA Cuisine” appeared ‘on the shelves’.
08.10   V Russian Spa Industry Summit 2008
08.10   V Russian Spà Professional Awards 2008
02.07   Doors Open Day was arranged by the Guild of SPA Experts 27, June 2008.
02.07   Academy of SPA-Esthetics was certified by ITEC (England) in “SPA-therapist”
26.05   15-16 May, Russia, Perm.
18.04   Ronald Jean (USA) in Moscow
15.04   New issue "Spa Industry today" -main book in Russia
08.02   First courses in Spa Academy in 2008
03.12   New project - Club "Spa Client" in Russia
Spa -industry today  book- first and one in Russian Spa!
Spa -industry today book- first and one in Russian Spa!
On table each European director salon of the beauty
On table each European director salon of the beauty
Spa report 2'09
Spa report 2'09