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Íàöèîíàëüíàÿ Ãèëüäèÿ Ñïåöèàëèñòîâ ÑÏÀ-Èíäóñòðèè Russian SPA Industry Summit
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The International Academy of Spa esthetics

Since 2006 the International Academy of spa Esthetics has opened the doors in Moscow ïîäðîáíåå...
Spa management - first and one for Russian manager
Spa management - first and one for Russian manager
Spa cuisine - The first systematised scientific book in the world.
Spa cuisine - The first systematised scientific book in the world.


“SPA Cuisine” appeared ‘on the shelves’.

“SPA Cuisine” appeared ‘on the shelves’.SPA Cuisine is an inevitable part of healthy life-style

4 December 2008, third volume of the book-series “SPA Industry Today” – “SPA Cuisine” appeared ‘on the shelves’.
This book explains the basics of tasty, rational and eye-filling nutrition and gives recommendations on how to create SPA-menu for the restaurants and SPAs. The contents of the book will be useful and interesting for employees of SPAs, as well as for the Chefs and for all those who are eager to know world culinary trends and monitor what and how to eat.
You will find the following sections in the book:
• SPA-Cuisine as culinary trend. Criteria and rituals of spa cuisine.
• Myths and facts of the diets. Vitamins, microelements and beauty.
• Nutrition as part of solution for the cosmetic problems of the skin. Special products and biological additives.
• Rituals of SPA-Cuisine.
• Cooking methods.
• Basic products of SPA-Cuisine:
Hot 20 of SPA-cuisine products,
Water, Sea food specialties: fish, seafoods,
Fruits&Berries, Vegetables, Herbes&Spices, Ayurveda, Milk and Milk Products, Nuts and Cereals, Groats, Oils, Chromotherapy – ‘colour’ menu, Banya Techniques, Chocolate, Honey, Cheese, Oils in our life.
Receipts: Juices, Salads, Soups, Appetizers (Finger-tip food), Main Meals, Sauces/Dressings, Desserts
SPA-Menu – 1-day program, 7-days detox program.

Publisher – Marina Valerievna Kuchurkina (Director, National Guild of SPA-Experts).
Science Editor — Marina Igorevna Patskyh (doctor of higher category with specialization – dietitian, endocrinologist). Materials used in the book are based on personal experience of the authors collected during visits to SPAs and introducing new SPA-techniques, additionally, materials of “SPA Report” magazine were used.

Òåë/ôàêñ +7 (495) 938 15 92
www.russiaspas.ru ; www.spabook.ru

info@russiaspas.ru; reclama@russiaspas.ru

Postal address for letters and comments: Russia, Moscow, 119296, Universitetski pr-t, 5

National Guild of SPA-Experts issued its first book of the SPA-book series under the title «SPA Industry Today” in 2005. Its second publication was in 2008.
Second volume of the series – “SPA Management” was issued in June, 2007 and will be reissued in 2009.
“SPA-Cuisine” is the third volume of the series appeared in early December, 2008.
Further projects: “SPA Cosmetology” and “The Best SPA Design in Russia” in 2009.
Edition aiming the end-client – “SPA Guide” – had two issues in 2006 and 2007. It is transformed into the glossy magazine, issued twice a year – “SPA Report: Guide”, which is to appear in the middle of 2009. Do not miss the chance to appear on the first pages!

Äàòà: 04.12.08

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