Национальная Гильдия Специалистов СПА-Индустрии
Национальная Гильдия Специалистов СПА-Индустрии Russian SPA Industry Summit
Guild spa
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Spa Awards
Rus Русский  Eng English

The International Academy of Spa esthetics

Since 2006 the International Academy of spa Esthetics has opened the doors in Moscow подробнее...
Spa management - first and one for Russian manager
Spa management - first and one for Russian manager
Spa cuisine - The first systematised scientific book in the world.
Spa cuisine - The first systematised scientific book in the world.


In books "Spa Industry:Coming of Age"(India) was the acticle from Guild of spa experts

In books "Spa Industry:Coming of Age"(India) was the acticle from Guild of spa expertsIcfai Books, IB and the IB logo (icfai University Press, India) was published the new book - "Spa Industry, Coming of Age", edited by A.V.Bala Krishna
Section "Introducting the Spa Market in Russia" was given Ms.M.Kuchurkina (Director) National Guild of spa experts

Section I
Trends and opportunities
Spa Industry: A Curtain Raiser
A V Bala Krishna

The Importance of Professional HealthCare and Spa Therapist Training in the Tourism Industry
Sarah Kajonborrirak

So Spa So Good
Need Mehra

A Spa-cial Future
Neeti Mehra

Massage and Bodywork Modalities
Sandra Alexcae Moren

The New Smile Wide Market:
The Future of the Dental SPA Sector is Assured
Jacqueline Clarke

Resort Spas: How are they Massaging Hotel Revenues?
Melih Madanoglu and Sherie Brezina

Demystifying the Mystical
Tracy Morin


The Canadian Spa Industry - A Snapshot

North American Spa Vacation Industry in the Crossroad
Jay Wahono

The Spa Industry in USA
T Rajini Nagesh

Opatija: Spa Tradition Transforming into Modern Health Tourism?
Amir Muzur and Ante Skrobonja

Introducing the Spa Market in Russia
Marina Kuchurkina

Opening up a Services Market The Thai Spa Industry
Rujirutana Mandhachitara

Asian Spa Market Experiences Brand Expansion
Bernard Burt

Growth of Spa in India
A K Sohani
APSWC Strategic Planning Report 2007

Дата: 07.05.09

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Spa News in Russia

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