Национальная Гильдия Специалистов СПА-Индустрии
Национальная Гильдия Специалистов СПА-Индустрии Russian SPA Industry Summit
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The International Academy of Spa esthetics

Since 2006 the International Academy of spa Esthetics has opened the doors in Moscow подробнее...
Spa management - first and one for Russian manager
Spa management - first and one for Russian manager
Spa cuisine - The first systematised scientific book in the world.
Spa cuisine - The first systematised scientific book in the world.


Guild has taken part in the first presentation CRONWELL HOTELS&RESORTS IN RUSSIA

Dear partners,
As you know, we constantly trace all events in the market of our industry. Therefore we have accepted the invitation to take part in presentation CRONWELL HOTELS&RESORTS in Svetlogorsk. Hotel Cronwell Resort falke is the old subscriber of our magazine Spa Report, we are in correspondence with centre Spa Olimpik, and also with «the Company of design financing». We are personally familiar with representatives of these companies since no electronic correspondence and telephone conversations replace "live" dialogue.
Svetlogorsk (till 1946 Raushen) — a city-resort in the Kaliningrad region the Russian Federation, located on the bank of Baltic sea. From the XIX-th century beginning in Europe travel and rest with a bathing in the sea have become fashionable, and these places began to visit having a rest, travellers here began to stop. Popularity of a city as resort has essentially increased since 1900 when have laid the railway from Kyonigsberga to station Raushen/Ort (nowadays Svetlogorsk-1). Already then besides water treatment — sea, carbonic and other baths, — sanatorium institutions of a city mud, electric and light treatment, medical massage practised.
Svetlogorsk and Kaliningrad presently — fine zones for development of Spa, but a number of problems are not solved here again: the seasonal prevalence, insufficient activity in advancement of the new directions, constantly varying operating companies, the investors who are not understanding idea of Spa, in general, all as at all. In connection with affinity to Europe in this zone the direction of design Spa actively develops.
We thank directors — to E.Achikovu, A.Dyakonovu, T.Dmitrievu for fine warm reception, and are always ready to help with all undertakings.

Дата: 04.06.09

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