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The International Academy of Spa esthetics

Since 2006 the International Academy of spa Esthetics has opened the doors in Moscow подробнее...
Spa management - first and one for Russian manager
Spa management - first and one for Russian manager
Spa cuisine - The first systematised scientific book in the world.
Spa cuisine - The first systematised scientific book in the world.


"A place of Russia in world spa business" interview the director of Spa Guild Ms. M.Kuchurkina

"A place of Russia  in  world spa business" interview  the director of Spa Guild Ms. M.Kuchurkina02nd March, 02nd in "Russian Business newspaper" interview of the director of Spa guild Ms.M.Kuchurkina.

"Every day I receive the invitation to give to interview or to appear in print. Unfortunately, many editions do not correspond to standards and do not observe the stipulated requirements. But having estimated a situation in the market, I have decided that it is necessary to support our market. To stimulate," to give a drink of new air "which is necessary for us, we cannot see daily. Therefore the given material I have given you in a gift. As usually - the material left not in that newspaper about which agreed, on heading - I do not make comments, the photo - has been stipulated another though would request from our photobank (on a site our photo from archive). I hope, the fee for article prepared by us will please the journalist. Tomorrow I act in film for a television channel on the training program" Bannym to technologies ", I go for a breakfast (what for) to one of governors, on March, 10th I am going to listen to clever people at conference on спа (baths and pools). We meet?
With the Holiday! Spring, ease, pleasure in a shower. "(M.V.Kuchurkina).

Money for water
The Russian women leave millions dollars in Spa industry, Beauty and health

Andrey Evplanov


/ the number of adherents of Spa grows in Russia every year, people, which
wish to be healthy and to look well, it is a lot of. But it also
Business which lives the interests. To tell about these interests we
Have asked the director of National guild of spa experts Marina Kuchurkina./

- Spa is a resort in Belgium where Peter restored the health still
Great, and also it is roughly developing industry of health. However Spa
became economic branch rather recently. When it happens, why and how much dynamically
it develops today in the world? *

- Under the most widespread version, the modern term of Spa occurs
not from a city, and from Roman "sanus per aqua" that means - "health
through water ". Water procedures and rituals were applied long since, but Spa as
the industry has begun in 1991 when in America there was the first Professional association of Spa (ISPA).
The industry of Spa has come to Russia more recently - in 2008. A total sum of investments in Spa in the world makes 254,7 mil$. dollars. From them 60,3 mil $ bring the cores sources: direct investments, the edition of magazines, training, actions, brands of spa cosmetics. 194,4 more mil$ dollars bring: the real estate,Business of hospitality and tourism, the beauty-industry, fitness, medicine, a food.

* - Today and in Russia people perfectly know that such Spa though, can to be, not everyone can formulate definition of this sort activity. As it is possible to characterise a condition of Spa in ours to the country? *

- I would like to pay attention that there is no country, which was in the lead in the field of Spa and would be the sample for all in the world, is separate heads and objects who are worthy to be samples.
Problems of development of branch do not differ neither in Russia, nor in France, in
South East Asia. Russia is one of leading players of Spa business. In Europe with all pluses and minuses. It is possible to carry to pluses magnificent techniques and high professional level of the medical the personnel, it is possible to tell, the highest in the world, the high cultural level of shots, desire to introduce in the work something new. But it is necessary to note as well low aspiration in ordering of the data, observance standards, increase of level of service. Objects at us are created very much quickly, but qualification of heads and investors leaves to wish
the best. According to National guild of spa experts ,now in Russia 1500 salons day-SpA, 350 hotels from Spa, 50 operate
Medical objects of Spa, 30 country hotels and resorts. A total sum investments for 2009 has made 6 million dollars. As to geography business 40 % of objects are in Moscow and Moscow suburbs, 20 % - in Krasnodar territory, as much on open spaces of Siberia and the Volga region, 15 % - in St.-Petersburg and 5 % in other regions.

* - As crisis has affected branch? *

- Spas are so-called "long money", therefore almost all jbjects which planned to open in 2009, have been opened. Any
projects have been suspended and only 2 % from total of Spas are closed or resold. Expenses on training of the personnel have been cut down,new technologies are entered. The last year has rather convincingly shown, who
from heads occupies "the place". We in Europe have published for the first time The first professional-analytical book "Standards of work of the personnel beautiful business ". Some heads have started to enter the marketing
technologies - but it only 5 % from total of heads. Certainly, there were different situations: somewhere began to reduce the personnel, not reducing a price level on "treatment", have started to use bad quality production. It is all is, but there are also very successful salons, in which it is impossible to register even for a week. In February, 2010 we have received the first positive results - returning of clients in salons, increase in volumes trained, growth of sales of the professional press etc.

* - There is an opinion that Spa well only categories of people with incomes
above an average level. Whether so it? Whether can allow itself any
improving procedures the teacher or the librarian, whose income not
exceeds 10 thousand roubles a month? After all all would like to be beautiful and
health. *

- On our interrogations it is possible to recreate an image of the typical client. She is the woman
at the age from 35 till 50 years (such clients at us of 75 % and only 25 % from 20
till 35 years). Clients who earn less 10 thousand roubles, at us no, but such which earn 15-50 thousand, - 35 %, as much, how many what income makes 50-200 thousand roubles, and the richest clients, those who receives over 200 thousand - 30 %. Among men are in the lead misters at the age from 35 till 50 years (85 %) with level of the income of 45-200 thousand (45 %). If to speak about visitors of salons Spa is in developed circumstances destiny of clients of the high income not only in Russia, but also all over the world. It is very a pity to us, because the given developed image
harms to development of Spa. But there is also such direction, as Spa home. Masks, compresses for hands and feet from thermal waters and oils you can do though every day, and it will not pour out in any serious expenditure. Cost of expenses for high-grade Spa home leaving - 100 Roubles, time for procedure - 40 minutes. There are courses where train
to self-massage. But thus, of course, it is desirable to be trained and receive recommendations at medical experts.

* - There is an ordinary opinion that Spa abroad, say, in Czechia, Poland or
than Slovenia is cheaper, than in Moscow, even taking into account the Schengen visa and road.
Whether so it? *

- To speak not about the countries, and about objects more correctly. There are good objects
both in Slovenia, and in Russia. If to compare a price level in Germany or Slovenia, that, for example, visiting of the big Spa center (soaring,pools, massage, dinner, rent of accessories) costs from 60 euros for a day on the person. In Russia - a minimum of 3000 roubles for 2 hours. But how many costs the credit in Europe? What time of recovery of outlay of business in Europe?

The main problems - cost of rent or premise purchase, high requirements of expectation of the personnel from the salary and very small term the recoupment, put by investors, the high price for the account materials. These are shared problems for the country.

* - How much services of Spas in Russia correspond to the international standards? *

- Quality of service corresponds to the general level of the European objects. It does not mean that all is high-quality in Europe. At us are carried out programs of training to service, and so 90 % of experts and managers
are ready to study, it is just necessary to these to be engaged. And carrying out level "treatment" and medical qualification of experts at us high. In Switzerland, in America and other countries practically in each salon
Russian experts work. I would like to notice still that Russian clients one of the best: love Spa and often visit salons.
* - That it is necessary to open salon of Spa? In how many it will manage? And when it is possible to count on a recoupment? Who is engaged Spa in Russia? *

- Despite the youth, the market it was generated. It is closed business, because it is very convenient to all to expose in muddy water itself great the company. Only 5 % from the companies presented in the market are quite the professional. Therefore we for that training there took place investors, accurately to understand, how their companies will work. Business cost depends on a total area, a direction and other factors. Someone does Zone of Spa in 40 sq. m and its expenses - 300 000 roubles. And someone opens big Spa in hotel, and it from already 30 000 000 roubles.

* - Whether there is an interest to Russian Spa from outside the foreign investors? *

- Probably, foreign investors begin to be put in the Olympic Objects in Sochi. The Russian investors often address to the foreign to the consulting companies, but projects, as a rule, the unsuccessful. In Russia there are rich investors, there is no only a desire to study the given theme, all do at random. For success in our business, as well as in any the friend, it is necessary time, patience and everyday work.

* - What prospects of development of branch and the market of services in Russia? *

- Prospects good, but that the industry of Spa dynamically developed, serious work with investors, development is necessary the consulting companies, manufacture of cosmetic production and the equipment, preparation of experts and promoters. The main trends this year - the increasing division of objects on individual style, expansion of foreign brands, attention strengthening to programs physical development, art therapy and etc.

Дата: 02.03.10

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