Национальная Гильдия Специалистов СПА-Индустрии
Национальная Гильдия Специалистов СПА-Индустрии Russian SPA Industry Summit
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The International Academy of Spa esthetics

Since 2006 the International Academy of spa Esthetics has opened the doors in Moscow подробнее...
Spa management - first and one for Russian manager
Spa management - first and one for Russian manager
Spa cuisine - The first systematised scientific book in the world.
Spa cuisine - The first systematised scientific book in the world.


Education in May, June, July and August 2010

Education in May, June, July and August 2010Dear guests,
We will be glad to see you at us on training programs.

The Premiere!
We begin a set on a course in "Thai massage".

Premiere - on August, 22-23nd Astrakhan!
Record on training in Moscow since September, 01st 2010г.
Training - two days. Cost - 12.000 roubles (in group from 4 students), individual training (1-2 students) - 20.000 roubles.
Schedule replenishment every week.

Was trained in August

On August, 25th with 12.00-16.30. An underwater shower-massage, a shower of Sharko, souls of Vichy. . On the basis of SPa-salon "Likasta Bjuti".
We thank our students A.I.Melega and V.V.Jakovlevu.

Training in Astrakhan.

On August, 09-10th - the Course the Ayurveda in Spa.
The teacher - Veronica Simule

On August, 16-17th Marketing training the Teacher - Andrey Matveev.

On August, 22-23nd - Thai massage. the teacher - Andrey Mazaev

Blagodarim:nashih students - Zaharovu Victoria, Pupkova Valery, Melnichuk Ekaterina, Muhatovu Natalia, Simonov Dmitry, Vostokov Gleb, Burbonovu Elena (a course the Ayurveda). S.V.Chudnovskuju for the rendered trust.

Was trained in July: On July, 05th - the Underwater shower-massage, a shower of Sharko On base "Likasta Bjuti" with 13.00-16.00
We thank our students. Sergey Polikarpov, Yury Blagorodnova, Vladimir Lamonova.

    On June, 7th - Hydrotherapy - Use of the Shower of Vichy, Sharko from 13-16.00. On the basis of Sport&spa. We thank our students.

    Exit training in Kostroma.
    On June, 18th Aromamassazh, on June, 19th Presentation of production Ecomaat.Тренер-А.Мазаев.
    Thanks a lot networks of beauty salons "Queen" and "Hermes" for the rendered organisation.
    Personally we thank S.N.Shkolenok and N.V.Petrovskuju.
    On June, 19th Closed marketing training - the first training from the Sale block for network of salons "7 paints" and спа club "Sport and spa". On the basis of club Sport&spa. We thank students, training continuation in July.

    Exit training in Ryazan
    On June, 30th - Massage of feet, hands, heads. Trainer A.Mazaev.

    Was trained in May:
    On May, 13th - Use of the Shower of Vichy, underwater shower-massage. we thank our student Guninu O. N.

    On May, 22nd the Closed program of marketing training for спа club "Sport and spa".

    On May, 24-25th the Closed program of marketing training for спа club "East express train".На photos - the given kind of training.

    On May, 25th - Hydrotherapy - Use of the Shower of Vichy, Sharko, underwater shower-massage. from 12-16.00 on the basis of salon "Likasta Bjuti".

    On May, 29-30th "Klientoorientirovannyj the approach" Astrakhan. The trainer-a.matveev. .
    Photos look http://www.russiaspas.ru/profi.outdoor.phtml

    Дата: 31.08.10

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