Welcome!Education in September, October, November,2011Dear sirs,November In 2011, September the International Academy of Spa esthetics should celebrate officially five years' anniversary. Ourselves have forgotten, and the quantity of students year (an order 200 and more) can't please us with results. In November we have trained 53 students from Moscow, Surgut, Kaluga, Volgograd. Academy of Spa - unique in the countries CIS - the European Academy. To us it is pleasant that students 2009 not received diplomas, confirm the knowledge, we with the big pleasure give out diplomas real to experts. We receive few news from our students - we know about someone, about someone aren't present, we remember someone, someone isn't present. Not enough pride and pleasures for these five years. At each exhibition, our cosmetic partners speak... "Well, you, about higher mathematics, and here, it is necessary to buy banks with a cream". What market - such and clients. And we unique in this wood "Stars for no reason". Persistently and patiently we improve requirements to training, students, to delivery of diplomas. We go in advance the market for 5-7 years, therefore and we will wait, when you though will slightly be tightened to our level. Then we will have fun. Trained: November: 24th on November,Bali oil-massage. 20th on November, Massage of feet, hands, heads. On the basis of clinic "Fifth element". We thank students and a management. 18th on November,Aybanga. Closed training for club Rasputin. We thank students and a management. 15th on November, There has passed the program - the Open day, the International Academy of Spa esthetics. The program consisted of discussion of programs of training and testing of experts. Unfortunately, as we also have been assured 80 % of visitors have filled tests for 50 and less percent. Raise your level of knowledge! We thank our visitors from Moscow, Yaroslavl, Barnaul and Novosibirsk. 11th on November, the shower of Sharko. We thank students from Salekhard, Kaluga. 11-12th on November, Volgograd. The exit closed training at opening of new salon "Jean Klebert". We thank and wish successes to proprietress T.A.Ibragimova. The program: 1 put Spa-ETIQUETTE, Meta-program. Lecturer - N.P.Rastrygina. 2 put Reports of reception, sales, round. Working off. The lecturer M.Kuchurkina October: In October has passed a third year of Spa-therapist and the second year of Spa-administration in 2011 in the International Academy of Spa esthetics. We were glad to see also separate experts at a seminar "Spa-ETIQUETTE" from the Moscow salon. Thanks heads and experts of salon "Atlantis Spa" (Chelyabinsk). The student which resume we can offer heads of salons of Spa in Moscow also participated In a course. as has shown the third examination that at all your advertizing companies "that you a star", 95 % of experts don't know theoretical and base bases of development of business, therefore we declare, who will pass test at us (dates under demands), 35 % will receive a discount for training for all courses (not separate disciplines). At least level the level! Don't count that we will work with the centers in regions, on preparation of each teacher it is necessary two years and constant improvement of professional skill, and it is possible only in Moscow. Thanks all clients which presume to invite us to training. Our clients ordering training, spend the budget and don't want to see experts from competing salons, their this right. In the end of September on a course studied ñîâëàäåëèöà hotels "Gold beach" (the Chelyabinsk area), we hope that Chelyabinsk and area will try to lift service-spa of services on necessary level!!! The Response of our clients: "Victoria! Thanks you for good training, for understanding and patience! Girls have arrived spiritualized, full of ideas! Now prepare presentations, we will look that from this leaves. I, from its part, certainly will help them, than I can. Questions while aren't present, but in the course of work I think will appear. So to you we will address. Also I think other our experts too"will catch"from girls, and will probably show interest to your courses! Once again thanks! To you of good luck!!! "( Irina Kolchin operating Spa, Chelyabinsk ). 24-27th on October, Spa-administration. We thank student Maria Lobanovu. 18-27th on October,Spa-therapist. In a course students from Moscow and Chelyabinsk have taken part. Thanks Lyudmila Kolesnikovoj and Veronica Serebrjanoj. By results - theoretical testing - not offset, practical employment - offset. The diploma is given out L.Kolesnikova, with expectation of repeated arrival.The student V.Serebryanaya has received the general offset. To Veronica 21 year (medical education) and at it isn't present practical activities experience, therefore she will spend practice and to come on our training so much time, how many it is necessary. At Veronica good prospects and we suggest to consider its resume as the trainee in Spa-SALON. You understand that on finishings to level of the professional expert time is necessary, but also important to have "the" personnel, therefore we wait for the demand from understanding and professional heads who can get acquainted with Veronica at us on interview. 11th on October,Sharko and Vichy shower. Lector-E.Phlatina. September We congratulate Irina Bortakova on the beginning of pedagogical activity. It is necessary to recognise that working within six years, the director ñïà in a hotel complex, it carried out training and control of the personnel at very high level. Many details have been considered and solved. We have received expected compliments from our students. Academy of Spa - a quality assurance, instead of show representation. You can get acquainted and be trained on courses of Spa-director, at a seminar "That represents hotel business?". September 29th on September,An underwater shower-massage. we thank students from Moscow, Obninsk, Ivanov. 26-30th on September, Spa-director combined with a new seminar "That is represented by Spa in hotel business" . We thank student Sirotinu N.V. (Miass). VI Exhibition «BEAUTY MEDICINE» Yekaterinburg. We thank organizers for the invitation and fine reception. We wish successes development of all undertakings. 15th on September have acted in the program of conference of Spa. Under the most widespread version, the modern term of Spa occurs not from a city, and from Roman «sanus per aqua» that means - «health through water». Water procedures and rituals were applied long since, but Spa - as the industry has begun in 1991 when in America there was a first association. The industry of Spa has come to Russia more recently - in 2008. The total sum of investments in Spa in the world makes 254,7 bln. dollars. From them 60,3 bln. bring the basic sources : direct investments, the edition of magazines, training, actions, brands of Spa-COSMETICS. 194,4 bln. dollars more bring Additional sources : real estate, business of hospitality and tourism, the bjuti-industry, fitness, medicine, a food. There is no country which would be in the lead and would be the sample for all in the world, there are separate heads and objects who are worthy to be samples. Problems in development don't differ neither in Russia, nor in France, in South East Asia. Russia - is one of leading players of Spa-BUSINESS in Europe, with all pluses and minuses. It is possible to carry to pluses – magnificent techniques and high professional level of the medical personnel, it is possible to tell, the highest in the world, high cultural level of shots, desire to introduce in the work something new. But it is necessary to note as well low aspiration in ordering of the data, to observance of standards, increase of level of service. According to National Guild of experts of Spa of the industry now in Russia 1500 salons dej-SPA, 350 hotels from Spa, 50 medical objects of Spa, 30 country hotels and resorts operate. Whether there are professionals in Spa-BUSINESS? Is, 5 % from the companies presented in the market. Therefore we for that training there took place investors - accurately to understand that will do its company and employees. Within the limits of the report we learn about modern lines of development of the industry, experts and heads can pass professional test of marketing Spas of technologies and acquaint with standards of development of the personnel of beautiful business. July 19th on July, - the Individual course "Investments into Spa". We thank our students O.Shpilevu, M.Lapidus, S.Ermachenkova. 22nd on July. A facial massage of Ahabadze. We thank our students - M.Volsky, A.Novskuju, E.Pjaltsevu, O.Vinnovu. Äàòà: 30.11.11 Âåðíóòüñÿ â íà÷àëî |
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